I have a range of topics that I love presenting on, in varying lengths and formats – as required depending on what your needs and specific outcomes are. I can also customise my presentations to your conference theme and industry. Which ever topic you choose you can be sure that it will be delivered with my unique style of passionate delivery ensuring your conference delegates are not just educated but also empowered, inspired and entertained.

1. The POWER of POSITIVE Energy!
Energy inspires, empowers and energises. It is our energy that we take to work that empowers our team to own our vision and to unite, it is the energy we add to our service and sales interactions that inspires people to buy from us.
It is through strong self-leadership we manage and take responsibility for our personal energy. And when we do that, we also ignite resilient individuals and teams and nurture the mental and emotional health of our teams.
Julie takes the information in our heads and connects it to the inspiration in our hearts. Julie is energy in action.
With Julie’s unique style and storytelling, you will be entertained and inspired… you will laugh, you will be challenged, and you will have many moments that you see yourself in, you will be taken on a lively, feeling, thinking, soul nurturing and sometimes confronting journey that will rouse your senses, stir your emotions, challenge your thinking and give you strategies to apply for immediate impact on success, service, sales, wellbeing and culture.
In this world of High-Tech it is more important than ever to be High-Touch. The interaction with our clients and customers is more important than ever.
We are in a stage in the area of service with an incredible opportunity to delight, empower and inspire our customers to do business with us.
Covid thrust our front line workers onto centre stage for you… You are centre stage; it is your time to perform and as leaders we better make sure they own their stage, bring the right attitude to the stage and know their lines and give award winning performances!
Service is an attitude and it is something we have to learn, practice and perform consistently if we truly want success.
With Julie’s unique style of delivery and content she reignites and reinvents our passion around service and explores all of the service contact points in your business where we can upgrade and give winning service with attitude.
3. The Courageous Leader!
Becoming a Leader is not just a title, it is not something that happens to us, it is not something that necessarily means instant recognition, respect and success. Becoming a Leader is something that we do… it is a process that happens over time and the best Leaders know that this process never stops.
We are all in leadership roles, whether we are leading a team or leading our clients through our services, we all have the responsibility to inspire, motivate, teach and nurture each other. But true leadership takes courage. Courage to stand out from the crowd, courage to praise, reward and recognise, courage to step up and inspire through the tough times, the courage to redirect, teach and to unleash the greatness in others. The courage to really inspire your team members to truly own the big vision of what they do, the difference they make, and the legacy they leave.
In this presentation/workshop Julie takes us back to the foundation of great leadership and explores why it is more important than ever and delivers strategies that will have an immediate impact on your culture individually and collectively.
4. Customised Closing Keynote.
Although all of Julie’s Keynote presentations can be used as a closing Keynote, this one is more extensively customised.
Julie will sit in on your program and in the closing keynote she will weave and affirm many of the other messages heard and enjoyed from other presenters, so being a perfect way to end your conference on a high with heads filled with all they heard, and hearts filled with all they felt. A perfect wrap up and celebration of all experienced.
And with Julie’s empowering, energising and entertaining style you can be assured that delegates will leave the room with the inspiration and motivation to apply all they have learnt at your conference.
This is quoted individually depending on the time committed to attending the event.
Download Julie’s Speaker’s Kit here.
Would you like to Julie to speak at your upcoming event? Complete the form below and Julie will be in contact shortly otherwise please call her on 0414 451 512