Nobody can ever love you enough to fill the gap left by YOU not loving YOURSELF enough!!
When there is that gap, we operate from that gap … and it does affect everything we do and every relationship we have!
When I loved myself enough, I asked for the sale without fear of rejection. I had big dreams with an expectation that they would be achieved. I look after my body by not starving it, or over eating, and by doing daily exercise .. of course I would love this body …
When I loved myself enough I danced when the music came on. It didn’t matter what you thought of my dance style, my opinion of me is more important than your opinion of me. When I loved myself enough I said “NO” to the people that didn’t treat me right. I was not scared to be on my own. I am good company!
When I loved myself enough I walked into a room with confidence. I shared my opinions and I didn’t let criticism crush me. Yep, when I loved myself enough my Sparkle was shiny and bright and I was living a life with no regrets!