When angels are near, feathers appear

It has been sometime since I have done a feather post… as many of you know since my husband passed away I have seen feathers everywhere and just when I need a ‘sign’… and you know they say that when Angels are near feathers appear… and so this has always been a sign that Flash is with me, and this brings comfort.

So, it has been awhile and that would be understandable… as life has moved on, grief has softened, the boys are growing up and doing well and I have a new guy… so my Angel has stepped back a little…

But, still he shows up when I need him… I was working with Thomas at his job this week… we were both a little stressed for different reasons and I started wondering if we are on the right track here, am I doing the right thing by Thomas, feeling a bit overwhelmed with a lot on my plate and wishing Flash was here with my boys to talk to and to see what he is doing… and then feathers showed up at every job we did that day. 

Yes, Julie, keep on.

What added to the challenge this past couple of weeks is my tenants in my investment property (a property I have kept with Thomas in mind), well they trashed it and left all their shit for us to clean up… and so as I had tears in my eyes in frustration as my guy was helping cart all of this crap to the dump, I asked for a sign again that I was on the right track… and I looked down a feather…. I looked the other direction with a smile on my face another feather… one guy beside me helping me and one looking over me sending me strength, lucky me. 

It helps to believe and have faith, because then in your dark moments this belief and faith will be your light that leads the way and gives you strength.

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