The People are who Matters

julie cross The People are who Matters


As I share my message with the audience, they laugh, they cry, they hug, they share, they sparkle and so do I! 

And they remind me again that no matter what business you are in, what qualifications you have, what job you do, what service you provide or what product you sell, it all happens with and relies on people! And people don’t just have heads that need to be filled with policy and procedures and information but they also have hearts that need to be nurtured. Successful business relies on the power of people connecting… Connecting through leadership, team synergy, customer service, sales, through change and challenges and people do all of this most effectively when they are fully connected with themselves!!

And that’s where I help. Every now and again we all need to be reminded that we are enough, and that we are not alone in our fears, our challenges, and our vulnerability. It is not about waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect body, the perfect job, the perfect relationship to finally allow yourself to sparkle and shine…. It is about allowing your sparkle to MAKE the moment perfect! Somebody said to me today, ‘Julie, you have such a gift, thanks for sharing it with us!’ And of course she gave me a gift by saying that… And I found my gift about the same time I loved myself enough and found my sparkle! And for that I am so very grateful. Thank you xx

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