Morning walk along the beach… not only am I getting physical exercise but I am giving myself an emotional and mental workout…
I start by thinking about all the things I have to be grateful for… sometimes I may accidentally even say them out loud… I then repeat this over and over again…
‘I am one with the infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right be healthy, wealthy and happy. I am forever conscious of my true self-worth, I give of my talents freely and I am wonderfully blessed financially… life is wonderful!’
And then this…
‘Every cell in my body resonates with heath, vitality and youth’
And that all feels so much better than watching the news or bitching about life… however…
This morning my mind wondered onto thinking about a situation that takes my mood into down ward spiral… and that doesn’t mean we should totally avoid reflecting and thinking about it for growth and moving through… but I was at the point of getting a little too caught up in it and then a wave came speeding up on the sand threatening to wet my shoes… so next thing I was laughing and dancing to avoid the wave and I said…
Me: ‘Ha, you didn’t get me!’
And the universe whispered back…
Universe: ‘But I did… your mood has lifted… mission accomplished’.
Me: ‘Oh you are so clever and funny and always know what to do’
Universe: Yes… if only more people would notice all the times I show up to delight them, affirm them, entertain them, amaze them, love them and delight in them.
Sure glad I notice! 😉