She is somebody I have known for a very long time, she used to be my very best friend… we chatted regularly and I always appreciated her advice… she was wise and gently directed me with her thoughts and opinions…sometimes I listened and took her advice and sometimes I didn’t… and so often realised I should of… and then life got busy, racing from here to there… love, marriage, kids… and she would pop in every now and again… a welcome guest… and then tough times hit, we sometimes lose ourselves a little over the years and get caught up in a lot of other external stuff and in doing so we can lose our friends as well… and I lost this one…
But I am happy to say that after gently trying to connect with me for some time now, I have finally stopped long enough to call her up again, sit and chat and really listen and she just has the best advice, I have told her that I will never lose her again, I will stop long enough to tune in and spend time with my best friend… and yes that best friend is my intuition…
And the way we find her again and be sure that is her advice, the advice from a place of love we are taking, and not her sister that screams at us through a lens of fear and ego… the way we access her is through an unshakable and true love of you first!
Intuition puts YOUR best interests first… it is about putting who you truly are, what you truly believe in and what is truly best for you first and that is in no way selfish as our ego would have us believe.
Our ego wants to be celebrated by everybody out there and liked by everybody out there and when we are afraid that is not going to be the case fear steps in and makes sure we make decisions to get that ongoing external applause, and make everybody else happy… but that is exhausting… she is demanding, always needing more..
Intuition understands that for you to truly be able to be fully present and give the gift of yourself to this world and others, have compassion, understanding and share genuine love, then you need to be true to yourself and your values first, be able to give that to yourself first and then you will be fully available to give to others…if fact you won’t be able to stop it … it will just sparkle out of you and all over the place!