I still remember listening to Mum and Dad chat with their friends through a smoke filled room (yes, in those days when rooms got smoke filled… eeek), and I would delight in their laughter and connection as they shared their stories…
I remember learning about our history at school through the stories told by our teachers…and now it seems we have little time for stories in between ‘massaging their brians’, naplan and ‘challenging their critical thinking’. Any wonder we are craving stories as adults.
I delighted in hearing the stories about the relationship our indigenous people have we this great country of ours, particularly when I was last in Uluru… the stories had me mesmerised, they educated me and had me looking ‘into’ mother nature instead of just at her… and inspired me to treat her with a whole new respect.
When we all catch up as a family my nieces love to hear the stories of us all growing up… especially those about their Dad, and when I finish they always say, ‘Aunty Jules, please, just one more story’.
We know the power of stories to inspire creativity and develop language in our children.
My late husband lost his Dad when he was nine and I remember him saying that he is not sure if his memories were his own or they were formed from the stories he had been told about him…
And now my boys without there Dad… we are always telling stories about him, which is how they too will know there Dad…
There is the science to back up the power or stories of course… Dr Drew Dwyer can educate us about that…
And then as a speaker… there is such a joy that comes from people remembering the story you told… they then remember how you made them feel… and then the emotion that a story stirs within us is what inspires us to take action on the message… that makes us valuable…
As a leader it will be your ability to ‘sell’ the vision and big picture of you organisation and that will be done through stories…
As a business owner you will need to have the ability to inspire people to buy from you… and stories do this..
But we also know there is a talent and technique in telling engaging and impactful stories… I mean some people have amazing story but don’t always have the ability to share it in a way that takes the audience on a journey with them…
Yes, Dr Brene Brown was on to something when she said, ‘Story telling is sharing data with soul attached’…
So, if you want to develop and grow your story telling then that is the focus for our ‘Professional Speakers Australia’ meeting with the Masterful Storyteller and Story Maker…Simone De Haas
Here is a little more about what you can expect from Simone herself…
Guests are always welcome… bookings and information at the link below or feel free to message me for more information.