A chat with the Universe on Faith…
Universe: I feel you heaviness… need to chat?
Me: I just get so tired of waking up into a new year and…
Universe: Ahhhh, stop right there, read that back…
Me: Oh, that is not fair, I wasn’t finished yet!
Universe: Remember to guard carefully those words that you say!
Me: Yes, you are right… what I was going to say is, I love waking up into a new year but I get so tired of carrying the load on my own. I want a soft place to fall and hand it all over every now and again…
Universe: But you can, I am here and I always have your back…
Me: Oh, I know but is that really the same?
Universe: You want somebody to trust that it will all work out ok? You want to know that in the future that it will turn out fine and you want to hand it over for a while and flow knowing you are headed in the right direction? Yes?
Me: Yes… that would be nice…
Universe: Ok, then I am here, hand it over now… surrender, breathe, do what you know how to do as well as you do and I will take the rest…
Me: But it feels scary to let go…
Universe: You have done it before… when you couldn’t hold on anymore through grief and autism and you just had to let go and flow…. You did it… and it all worked out OK didn’t it?
Me: Yes, it sure did, better than ok.
Universe: Do you want me to take you there again so you sink to your knees and have to let go… and do you want to do it yourself …
Me: Bit harsh… but I hear you.
Universe: So many people love to talk about having ‘faith’ and ‘trust’ and yet it is so hard for you to practice… easier when you get out of your ego space and into your soul space… and remember if you were wishing that you could let go more often, flow trust and have faith… well I will have to give you situations for you to practice that, to keep reminding you what ‘faith’ really feels and looks like.
Me: Ok, you are right…again…
Universe: And have I not given you and have you not received enough signs that you can trust and have faith…
Me: Yes, I guess so…
Universe: You GUESS so…. Well let me remind you. Every time you are not sure if your message is still valid or you are on the right path, do you not receive a flood of affirmation via feedback and love from your tribe…
Me: I do… thank you.
Universe: Have you not received message after message through feathers, sychronicity and people that your Angels are forever looking out for you…
Me: Oh yes I do, you are right…
Universe: And thank you for noticing those signs… and how about the dream trip to Africa you thought you would never do and the miracle meeting of Moses after 27 years of no contact?
Me: Oh that is so true… so amazing how the Universe is constantly conspiring in my favour…
Universe: So, do I need to go on?
Me: Well, maybe if you could remind me what I should do when ‘doubt’ and ‘insecurity’ arrive as they did today… I almost feel ashamed..
Universe: Well there is no need for shame, this is a human experience which is a touch point for reflection and is a workout for your spiritual growth and your resolve around trust and faith… so you need to do what you did, sit with it and into it (preferable not on the toilet next time!), and then you talk yourself through it… you are not blaming or shirking responsibility so no need for beating yourself up… you are simply a work in progress as you all are and today a little more work was done! So congratulations!
Me: Wow, thank you… you really didn’t have to bring up the toilet bit… but that does feel better, after the conversation I mean, and I trust that you have got my back…. Do you think now you could give it a massage… ?
Universe: And your sense of humour is in tact…