And as the sun rises I get the greatest gift ever which is the gift of a brand new day…
And as I enjoy the beautiful view I reflect that at 51 life is now about making the most of the views we have in our life.
By now, and not just for me… at 51, chances are we have climbed some emotional mountains, there have been times we have had to lean into it, back up it and then there have been times our feet, body and heart has hurt so much we didn’t think we could get back up through… but we did!
And so now we arrive at a space and a place where we can breathe in and breathe out the views and the experiences and know that we have evidence to suggest that we have what it takes to keep finding the views no matter the mountain that lies in front of us.
Feeling strong, happy and healthy at 51!
And yes there are more grey hairs, frown lines, laugh lines and I have my fair share of saggy and baggy… but we don’t focus on that … we roll over, get our feet on the floor, put some sparkle on, a smile on our dial and our hat on our head and get into life grateful to have another day to do it!
Champagne on the beach and a lovely gift from my guy… flowers from my biggest boy and his girl… perfect start to 51!