Oh please do not, NOT come to my SHOW because you have nobody to go with… I have had people come on their own at all of the SHOWS I have done so far… and I do have the deepest admiration for those that do that… see you already got the first lesson of the evening before you even arrived…
You don’t let the fear of walking into a room on your own stop you from owning and claiming your seat at the front row of life!! You walk in with confidence, even if you have to fake it, and then before you know it you are laughing, making new friends and you walk out feeling so damn good about yourself!! And you will go through some of the emotions as demonstrated below. 😉
And if you walk into my room on your own, you let me know and I will wrap you up in some love and give you a gift for your courage.
So many people waiting to do something until somebody shows up to do it with them… what if they don’t show up!!??